• (512) 766-3034


We provide hands on, day to day advise, guidance and support for new initiatives whether in the form of a start up business or a new strategy for an existing business.


We help clients create the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) required to enable the new initiative and allow for incremental and efficient development of intellectual property assets.


Once our clients have created their MVP and if they seek capital to launch the initiative, we introduce them to our investor network which are generally repeat investors focused on the kind of business initiatives we support.


Business Model
Pitch Deck
Intellectual Property
Legal & Accounting
Corp Administration
Work Space
Global Networking


Tech Strategy
Product Architecture
MVP Definition
Agile Methodology
Design & UX
Development Support
Global Deployment


Investor Materials
Pitch Coaching
Valuation Methods
Investor Introductions
Investor Negotiations
Selection Advice
Lakewood Company Partnership

Providing complete guidance and insuring the success of strategic initiatives

Dedicated to helping technology innovators plan and execute your most important projects

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